Graduating in 2019 from a Advanced Diploma in phytotherapy and another on in scientific aromatherapy in Dijon in 2020, Docteur Blandine Papi is discovering that aromatherapy can become a complementary care approach for her patients. She implemented aromatherapy in the critical care department of le Corbusier hospital in Firminy.
Dr. Papi trained her team of caregivers, and together they set up protocols targeting the needs of their patients:
- Digestive disorders: constipation, nausea and vomiting
- End-of-life care
- Swallowing disorders
- Joint and muscle pathologies
- Bleeding…
Lavender essential oil is the most widely used
Since 2021, they have been evaluating their protocols through questionnaires and medical follow-ups that show benefits at different levels: better patient care, better quality of life for caregivers and ecological and financial benefits for the department (article in preparation).
Dr Blandine Papi was awarded the Prix René-Maurice Gattefossé 2024 for her outstanding work and commitment to improving the quality of life of her polypathological patients, who have heavy, invasive and anxiety- inducing therapies.