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Aromatherapy story #1 from the Hôpitaux Civils de Colmar – France

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The Foundation tells aromatherapy stories of its awardees with patient testimonials.

Aromatherapy story #2: In the Hôpitaux Civils of Colmar, in oncology, aromatherapy relieves patients of nausea (in French only).

At the Civil Hospitals of Colmar, in oncology, aromatherapy relieves patients of nausea.

Nurse in hematology for more than 30 years at the Civil Hospitals of Colmar, Catherine Maranzana is a pioneer in the use of essential oils in hospitals in France. She received the Gattefossé Foundation Prize in 2015 and has since implemented protocols in 40 medical units. She explains how she uses essential oils in oncology to relieve patients of nausea.

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